ZubiGune met with Groupo SSI in Bilbao. This Groupe was initially founded to provide care service, mainly in home care settings. Over the years they have developed to a bigger organization and now they are covering many different care and social services, also working in innovation projects, offering a Living Lab to test new products, they run different mentoring programs to support care takers and are expanding to other regions. Grupo SSI also offers training in order to receive certificate for caretakers on LEVEL 2 and they run a support and tutoring service (project called MENTSAD: https://grupossi.es/formacion-ambito-sociosanitario/proyecto-mentsad-grupossi/).

These training materials include many activities for self-training (not just text) and Grupo SSI also offers 4h mentoring. They are running now the 3rd edition of this program, the result is very positive, 85% of the participants pass the exam.